
recent Java gives empty grey box
User: V
Date: 3/16/2008 5:12 am
Views: 9358
Rating: 30


According to every java testing site I have Java 1.7 properly installed, still I see only an empty grey box  on the Troubleshooting page. (And can't find the applet in general.)

Re: recent Java gives empty grey box
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/16/2008 7:51 am
Views: 779
Rating: 39

Hi V, 

>According to every java testing site I have Java 1.7 properly installed, still I

>see only an empty grey box  on the Troubleshooting page. (And can't find the

>applet in general.)

Please post a copy of the Java console output when you go to the Troubleshooting page (or the Read page).

Which Browser and operating system are you using?

If you are using FireFox, you can get a Java Console add-on by installing one of these:

Is Sun Java 1.7 stable yet? Is it alpha or beta?  I'm a bit confused, the Sun site only lists up to 1.6.5 on the official Java SE Downloads (Latest Release) page.  JDK 7 only shows up on the Java SE Early Access Downloads (Next Release - Early Access) page.  



Re: recent Java gives empty grey box
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/16/2008 2:24 pm
Views: 830
Rating: 34

Email reply from V:


I am running Ubuntu Gutsy with the IcedTea java applet, that is recognised by Sun's test site as 1.7

unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to use the java console, might be it does not work with IcedTea.

once switched to Sun's java plugin, it works fine.


Re: recent Java gives empty grey box
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/16/2008 2:25 pm
Views: 862
Rating: 32

My reply:

Hi V,

thanks for the update,

It might be that IceTea does not include the audio support in Sun's version yet.  The VoxForge Speech Submission app is based on Sun's Java Sound demo which uses the javax.sound.sampled package, which may not be included in IceTea.

Can I put this thread in the forum?


