
Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: kmaclean
Date: 12/30/2007 11:20 am
Views: 32627
Rating: 36


If either of you are interested in localizing the VoxForge Speech Submission Java Applet to German please let me know ... see this post for details on what is required,



Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: atterer
Date: 1/1/2008 10:33 am
Views: 324
Rating: 37

Hi, I'll have a go at translating some of the text!
I introduced a couple of variants of German, not sure what is needed here.
Renamed the "about" button to "license".
Standard GPL disclaimer translation taken from

Cheers, Richard

         usernamePanelLabel = "Benutzername:";
         usernamePanelText = "(für anonymen Beitrag leer lassen)";
         copyrightName = "Free Software Foundation";
         gplAccepted = "Ja";
         pleaseSelect = "Bitte wählen";
         notApplicable = "unbekannt";
         genderPanelLabel = "Geschlecht:";
         genderSelection = new String [3];
         genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; 
         genderSelection[1] = "Männlich";  
         genderSelection[2] = "Weiblich";
         ageRangePanelLabel = "Altersgruppe:";
         ageSelection = new String [4];
         ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect;
         ageSelection[1] = "Jugendlicher";
         ageSelection[2] = "Erwachsener";
         ageSelection[3] = "Senior";
         dialectPanelLabel = "Dialekt der Aussprache:";
         dialectSelection = new String [9];
         dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect;  
         dialectSelection[1] = "Hochdeutsch"; // official "high" German
         dialectSelection[2] = "Süddeutsch";    // Southern Germany, e.g. rolled "r"
         dialectSelection[3] = "Norddeutsch"; // Northern Germany
         dialectSelection[4] = "Österreich";      // Austria
         dialectSelection[5] = "Schweiz"; // Switzerland
         dialectSelection[8] = "Anderer Dialekt";
         microphonePanelLabel = "Mikrofon-Typ:";
         microphoneSelection = new String [9];
         microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect;
         microphoneSelection[1] = "Headset-Mikro (am Kopfhörer)";  
         microphoneSelection[2] = "Headset-Mikro (USB)"; 
         microphoneSelection[3] = "Tisch-Mikro";
         microphoneSelection[4] = "Tisch-Mikro (USB)";
         microphoneSelection[5] = "Eingebautes Laptop-Mikro";
         microphoneSelection[6] = "Webcam-Mikro";    
         microphoneSelection[7] = "Studio-Mikro";
         microphoneSelection[8] = "Anderes Mikro";
         uploadText = "<html>Durch Ihren Klick auf "Hochladen" erklären Sie, dass Sie das Copyright Ihrer Sprachaufnahme<br> "
           + "auf die Free Software Foundation übertragen und Ihren Beitrag unter der GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\") lizensieren:" ;
         uploadButtonLabel = "Hochladen";
         moreInfoText = "Weitere Informationen zu Copyright und GPL:";
         moreInfoButtonLabel = "Weitere Informationen";  
         disclaimerText =
            "<html>VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007 VoxForge<br>"
            +"Die Veröffentlichung dieses Programms erfolgt in der Hoffnung, daß es Ihnen<br> "
            +"von Nutzen sein wird, aber OHNE IRGENDEINE GARANTIE, sogar ohne die implizite<br> "
            +"Details können Sie mit einem Klick auf \"Lizenz\" erhalten.";
         aboutButtonLabel = "Lizenz";
         recordButton = "Aufnahme";
         stopButton = "Stop";
         playButton = "Wiedergabe";
         peakWarningLabel =  "Achtung: Eingabe könnte zu laut sein";
         sampleGraphFileLabel = "Datei: ";
         sampleGraphLengthLabel = "  Länge: ";
         sampleGraphPositionLabel ="  Position: ";

Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: timobaumann
Date: 1/6/2008 8:16 am
Views: 283
Rating: 39

Hi Richard,

thanks for your contribution! I'd distinguish the following variants of German (based on regions): 

südl. Ostdeutschland
anderer Sprachraum

I think we should avoid the option "Hochdeutsch", too many people think their German to be *the* standard :-) My dialectology classes were a long time ago, so more advice is still very welcome.

Also I would rename dialectPanelLabel to "Aussprachevarietät:".

In German "Urheberrecht" it is impossible to assign your copyright to someone else. We should probably rephrase uploadText to reflect this: "..., dass Sie der Free Software Foundation ein unwiderrufliches, nicht-ausschließliches Nutzungsrecht an Ihren Sprachaufnahmen einräumen und Ihren Beitrag ..."

It would be great to see this online soon.

Greetings, Timo

Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/11/2008 10:10 pm
Views: 390
Rating: 30

Hi Timo,

Thanks for your updates to Richard's translations.

With respect to your comments about German Copyright laws, and the impossibility of assignment of Copyright in Germany, I've been taking the approach to ask users to assign the fullest possible 'title' (if that is even possible in a Copyright context) of their submission to the Free Software Foundation, and hope that if it ever became an issue, a judge would look to intent and essentially give an irrevocable license to FSF.  Worse case, the assignment is ruled invalid and we fall back on GPL.  

BTW - the German version of the speech submission application is live.  Please take a look at it and let me know if there are any changes required.  I just used some of Rlaph's early prompts.



Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: cib
Date: 3/29/2009 9:12 am
Views: 108
Rating: 10

> I think we should avoid the option "Hochdeutsch", too many people think their German to be *the* standard :-) My dialectology classes were a long time ago, so more advice is still very welcome.

Well, what about the people who do speak an accent that is not bound to any region in Germany? As I already stated in a comment on the site of the script, I have lived in a few different states, thus I adopted a sort of "general" German, "Hochdeutsch", which is pronounced the same in many states(atleast Bayern, Badem-Württemberg, Thüringen and Berlin) and which is also used on TV or radio. This kind of German exists and there should be an option for it in my opinion.

Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: timobaumann
Date: 4/15/2009 3:31 pm
Views: 73
Rating: 10

Hi cib,

well, by definition accents are bound to regions. But not everybody has a strong accent, that's definitely true. I don't know where I wound anchor your accent (all I have is your misspelling of Badem-Württemberg -- or just a typo?). In the experiments we perform, we usually ask people where they went to elementary school. So maybe rephrasing the question is the solution, if we don't want to change the possible answers.

Cheers, timo

Standarddeutsch - Standard German
User: ralfherzog
Date: 4/16/2009 8:38 am
Views: 155
Rating: 8

Hi Timo! Hi cib!

I think that a solution might be to add the option 'Standarddeutsch' to the VoxForge speech submission application ('Aussprachevarietät'). The expression 'Standarddeutsch' is better than 'Hochdeutsch'.

Greetings, Ralf

Re: Standarddeutsch - Standard German
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/22/2009 12:14 pm
Views: 3756
Rating: 9

Hi Timo/cib/Ralf,

>I think that a solution might be to add the option 'Standarddeutsch' to the

>VoxForge speech submission application ('Aussprachevarietät').

Thanks Ralf!

@Timo/cib - is this OK with the both of you?  I don't know German, so I have to rely on your feedback to incorporate this proposed change.


Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/11/2008 12:29 pm
Views: 295
Rating: 33

Hi Richard,

Just doing some testing on the German localization of the Speech Submission app, and noticed that you did not translate the word "stop" to German.

       recordButt! on = "Au fnahme";
       stopButton = "Stop";
       playButton = "Wiedergabe";

Google translate says it should be "Haltestelle".  Can "stop" be used in German too?




Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/11/2008 12:54 pm
Views: 279
Rating: 36

Hi Richard,

I also need translations for these:

             uploadingMessageLabel = "Uploading...";
             uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Upload completed... Thank you for your submission!";


