
Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: kmaclean
Date: 12/30/2007 11:20 am
Views: 31309
Rating: 36


If either of you are interested in localizing the VoxForge Speech Submission Java Applet to German please let me know ... see this post for details on what is required,



Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: atterer
Date: 1/1/2008 10:33 am
Views: 324
Rating: 37

Hi, I'll have a go at translating some of the text!
I introduced a couple of variants of German, not sure what is needed here.
Renamed the "about" button to "license".
Standard GPL disclaimer translation taken from

Cheers, Richard

         usernamePanelLabel = "Benutzername:";
         usernamePanelText = "(für anonymen Beitrag leer lassen)";
         copyrightName = "Free Software Foundation";
         gplAccepted = "Ja";
         pleaseSelect = "Bitte wählen";
         notApplicable = "unbekannt";
         genderPanelLabel = "Geschlecht:";
         genderSelection = new String [3];
         genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; 
         genderSelection[1] = "Männlich";  
         genderSelection[2] = "Weiblich";
         ageRangePanelLabel = "Altersgruppe:";
         ageSelection = new String [4];
         ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect;
         ageSelection[1] = "Jugendlicher";
         ageSelection[2] = "Erwachsener";
         ageSelection[3] = "Senior";
         dialectPanelLabel = "Dialekt der Aussprache:";
         dialectSelection = new String [9];
         dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect;  
         dialectSelection[1] = "Hochdeutsch"; // official "high" German
         dialectSelection[2] = "Süddeutsch";    // Southern Germany, e.g. rolled "r"
         dialectSelection[3] = "Norddeutsch"; // Northern Germany
         dialectSelection[4] = "Österreich";      // Austria
         dialectSelection[5] = "Schweiz"; // Switzerland
         dialectSelection[8] = "Anderer Dialekt";
         microphonePanelLabel = "Mikrofon-Typ:";
         microphoneSelection = new String [9];
         microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect;
         microphoneSelection[1] = "Headset-Mikro (am Kopfhörer)";  
         microphoneSelection[2] = "Headset-Mikro (USB)"; 
         microphoneSelection[3] = "Tisch-Mikro";
         microphoneSelection[4] = "Tisch-Mikro (USB)";
         microphoneSelection[5] = "Eingebautes Laptop-Mikro";
         microphoneSelection[6] = "Webcam-Mikro";    
         microphoneSelection[7] = "Studio-Mikro";
         microphoneSelection[8] = "Anderes Mikro";
         uploadText = "<html>Durch Ihren Klick auf "Hochladen" erklären Sie, dass Sie das Copyright Ihrer Sprachaufnahme<br> "
           + "auf die Free Software Foundation übertragen und Ihren Beitrag unter der GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\") lizensieren:" ;
         uploadButtonLabel = "Hochladen";
         moreInfoText = "Weitere Informationen zu Copyright und GPL:";
         moreInfoButtonLabel = "Weitere Informationen";  
         disclaimerText =
            "<html>VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007 VoxForge<br>"
            +"Die Veröffentlichung dieses Programms erfolgt in der Hoffnung, daß es Ihnen<br> "
            +"von Nutzen sein wird, aber OHNE IRGENDEINE GARANTIE, sogar ohne die implizite<br> "
            +"Details können Sie mit einem Klick auf \"Lizenz\" erhalten.";
         aboutButtonLabel = "Lizenz";
         recordButton = "Aufnahme";
         stopButton = "Stop";
         playButton = "Wiedergabe";
         peakWarningLabel =  "Achtung: Eingabe könnte zu laut sein";
         sampleGraphFileLabel = "Datei: ";
         sampleGraphLengthLabel = "  Länge: ";
         sampleGraphPositionLabel ="  Position: ";

Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: atterer
Date: 1/1/2008 11:15 am
Views: 1185
Rating: 24

This is the content for /home/read. *shudder* - what horrible HTML that CMS creates!

Also, I couldn't help noticing that the writing style of the English text could be improved, it really suffers from the "click here" syndrome... :) Maybe have a look at <> for some hints on writing for the web. (Don't get me wrong, the page is fine as it is now, but maybe the guide above will prove useful for stuff you write in the future.)

 Cheers, Richard


<h2>Vorgegebene Texte vorlesen und Aufnahmen hochladen - Beta</h2>

    <table border="1" width="450"><tbody><tr><td>Beim Öffnen dieser Seite kann ein Popup mit einem Sicherheitshinweis von Java erscheinen - <a href="/home/read2/java-security-warning">weitere Informationen zum Java-Sicherheitshinweis</a>.</td></tr></tbody></table>
    <p>Bitte füllen Sie im Formular unten alle benötigten Felder aus.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p>

<h3>Vor Beginn der Aufnahme</h3>
<p>Positionieren Sie Ihr Mikrofon so, dass es keine Atemgeräusche aufnimmt. Bemühen Sie sich während der Aufnahme, alle Geräusche zu verhindern, die nicht zum vorgelesenen Text gehören (z.B. Lippengeräusche, Atem holen, ...) und Hintergrund-Geräusche zu vermeiden.
Atmen Sie erst aus, nachdem Sie den Stop-Knopf gedrückt haben.</p>

<p>Das schwarze Rechteck unten auf Ihrem Bildschirm wird das Audiosignal Ihrer Aufnahme anzeigen. Führen Sie eine Testaufnahme durch, um sicher zu stellen, dass die Lautstärke Ihres Mikrofons nicht zu hoch oder zu niedrig eingestellt ist.</p>

<p>(Weitere Informationen stehen in diesem <a href="/home/read2/microphone">How-to</a>.)</p>

<h3>Vorgegebene Texte vorlesen</h3>

<p>Nehmen Sie sich beim Vorlesen jedes Textstücks auf folgende Weise auf:</p>
  <li>Klicken Sie auf <strong>Aufnahme</strong>,</li>
  <li>warten Sie eine halbe Sekunde,</li>
  <li>lesen Sie das jeweilige Textstück vor,</li>
  <li>warten Sie eine halbe Sekunde und</li>
  <li>klicken Sie dann auf <strong>Stop</strong>.</li>
  <li>Haben Sie einen Fehler gemacht, klicken Sie für eine neue Aufnahme nochmals auf <strong>Aufnahme</strong>.</li>

<p>Wenn Sie alle zehn Texte aufgenommen haben, wird der Knopf <strong>Hochladen</strong> verfügbar. Klicken Sie auf ihn, um Ihren gesamten Beitrag als einzelne zip-Datei in das VoxForge-Repository hochzuladen.</p>

<p><strong>Wiederholen</strong> Sie diese Schritte (mehrfache Beiträge sind willkommen!)</p>

<p>Klicken Sie <a href="/home/listen#zipfiles">hier</a> für eine Liste von Beiträgen, die im Augenblick auf weitere Bearbeitung warten.</p>

<h3>Weitere Möglichkeiten, Sprachaufnahmen beizusteuern</h3>

<p><a href="/home/other">Hier klicken</a>, wenn Sie zur Aufnahme lieber den Audio-Editor <a href="">Audacity</a> verwenden wollen.</p>

<p><a href="/home/other">Hier klicken</a>, wenn Sie Sprachaufnahmen per Telefon beitragen wollen</p>

<p>Wird das Java-Applet von VoxForge nicht korrekt angezeigt, finden sich im <a href="/home/read2/java">Java Troubleshooting Guide</a> weitere Tipps.</p>

Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/1/2008 12:55 pm
Views: 245
Rating: 25

Hi Richard,

Thanks for the translations and the comments!

>This is the content for /home/read. *shudder* - what horrible HTML that CMS creates!

Is it really that bad? I'm asking because I really don't have a sense of what good CMS HTLM should look like.  I have been looking at Drupal (6) and Plone as a possible replacement, mostly because they support more than one language natively.  Are these any better?

>Also, I couldn't help noticing that the writing style of the English text could

>be improved, it really suffers from the "click here" syndrome... :)

I've just assumed that it was the way to do it ... I will fix it! 

>Maybe have a look at <> for some hints on

>writing for the web. (Don't get me wrong, the page is fine as it is now, but

>maybe the guide above will prove useful for stuff you write in the future.)

Thanks, will do.  I am not a web designer, so any assistance/pointers is greatly appreciated.


Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: atterer
Date: 1/2/2008 5:09 am
Views: 224
Rating: 34
Is it really that bad? I'm asking because I really don't have a sense of what good CMS HTLM should look like.

Hm, that's a matter of taste, but e.g. using <table> in the text 1) for no apparent reason, 2) for layout rather than tabular data isn't nice. I don't know a lot about different CMS - I guess /most/ CMS with WYSIWYG editors will produce somewhat strange markup.

Cheers, Richard 

Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: Robin
Date: 1/3/2008 1:15 pm
Views: 1266
Rating: 39

Drupal is able to produce fairly clean HTML. Though it also depends a lot on how you use a CMS. It is possible to choose a tableless design for most CMS’s, but that's not a guarantee for clean HTML.  Some CMS’s will fill the template with a lot of tables.


Having a look at the HTML source in your browser will give you an idea of how good a CMS is in this sense.  The more legible the better, because Google is blind! (reads from top to bottom without skipping anything) If you have two wade through lots of HTML tags or style information than that is bad for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).


So good HTML does not have a lot of tags (but of course it does have some).  It is also good if the most important info is on top.  Furthermore there should not be any style information on a page (only a reference to an external style sheet).


Installing a WYSIWYG editor will also tempt writers to use a lot of markup to emphasize passages in the text (e.g. underlined pieces of text that are not links, various font sizes etc.).  That results in pages that are hard to understand for users.  A book on this topic (Web usability) that I can recommend is the first book from Jakob Nielsen.  I think it's called "designing Web usability".  However, this does not address the question of what CMS is best, but how to write content and design websites (I read it in one day, because it's very clearly written).



Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: timobaumann
Date: 1/6/2008 8:16 am
Views: 283
Rating: 39

Hi Richard,

thanks for your contribution! I'd distinguish the following variants of German (based on regions): 

südl. Ostdeutschland
anderer Sprachraum

I think we should avoid the option "Hochdeutsch", too many people think their German to be *the* standard :-) My dialectology classes were a long time ago, so more advice is still very welcome.

Also I would rename dialectPanelLabel to "Aussprachevarietät:".

In German "Urheberrecht" it is impossible to assign your copyright to someone else. We should probably rephrase uploadText to reflect this: "..., dass Sie der Free Software Foundation ein unwiderrufliches, nicht-ausschließliches Nutzungsrecht an Ihren Sprachaufnahmen einräumen und Ihren Beitrag ..."

It would be great to see this online soon.

Greetings, Timo

Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/11/2008 12:29 pm
Views: 295
Rating: 33

Hi Richard,

Just doing some testing on the German localization of the Speech Submission app, and noticed that you did not translate the word "stop" to German.

       recordButt! on = "Au fnahme";
       stopButton = "Stop";
       playButton = "Wiedergabe";

Google translate says it should be "Haltestelle".  Can "stop" be used in German too?




Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/11/2008 12:54 pm
Views: 279
Rating: 36

Hi Richard,

I also need translations for these:

             uploadingMessageLabel = "Uploading...";
             uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Upload completed... Thank you for your submission!";



Re: Localizing the SpeechSubmission App to German
User: atterer
Date: 1/11/2008 1:50 pm
Views: 408
Rating: 39

Hi Ken,

LOL - "Haltestelle" means "bus stop"... not quite the right word. :-) You _can_ use "Halt" if you want, but "Stop" is quite common (e.g. Stop traffic signs have "Stop" on them in Germany), either one should be fine.

 uploadingMessageLabel = "Wird hochgeladen...";
             uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Alle Daten hochgeladen...  Danke für Ihren Beitrag!";

Timo's variants for German look fine to me - I'm not really into linguistics, it sounds like he knows more.
