
Re: How to convert the german model for the use with simon ?
User: nsh
Date: 3/25/2014 4:49 pm
Views: 92
Rating: 0

> Interestingly. The word 'Fenster' is available in the shadow dict and also in the active dict. So i don't get what he is talking about

If computer says you something you shoudl trust it. If computer says that word is not available, you need to check your data first of all. Word is missing indeed, probably case doesn't match or the transcription is wrong. You need to check your own steps.

> With the missing ohonoes, this seems really bad but als here i can't belive that the phonon a is not in the model it is very hard to speak german without it.

All important phones must be in the model already


Re: How to convert the german model for the use with simon ?
User: Manu
Date: 3/25/2014 5:03 pm
Views: 2857
Rating: 0

Hi nsh,

Thanks for replying:-D

I fixed this problem by removing all simon related configs and restaing it with a fresh config and new scenarios.

I think now the setup is nealry fine. Shpinx  is compiling a model and all scenraios can be used.

However simon is not recognising anything what i say.

To narrow the issue down, i only use one word: firefox to start firefox.

But it does not. Further detailed in this thread, as i think it is not a promlem of the german lang model:

Meanwhile book recording goes welll :-D But usege should come thogether soon or i my loose interest. Grr.

Anyway thanks for any ideas who may pop up.

