
no sound during playback
User: Daniel Teague
Date: 3/22/2009 9:42 am
Views: 11712
Rating: 23

I have set pulse audio to record from my USB mic (Sennheiser), and Sound Recorder in Ubuntu can record and play back my speech. However, the applet above does not seem to record the prompts I read in. Also, the Java applet during playback doesn't have any spikes.

I'd like to support the project. Maybe I can upload a recording of these prompts?

Re: no sound during playback
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/29/2009 2:51 pm
Views: 371
Rating: 21

Hi Daniel,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, been travelling...

>I have set pulse audio to record from my USB mic [...] However, the

>applet above does not seem to record the prompts I read in.

See the: Java Applet Troubleshooting Guide (section on USB microphones), which says:

The Speech Submission applet assumes that you will connect to your default audio source.  If your computer has an analog microphone jack (on your motherboard or on an audio card) it assumes that this is your default audio source, even if you plug in a USB microphone (it basically ignores the audio from your USB microphone).  The Speech Submission app currently has no way to change the audio source (yet..).

>I'd like to support the project. Maybe I can upload a recording of these


Definitely -  you can follow these links to instructions (from the VoxForge home page) to manually record and submit prompts using any audio recorder:

There is a link to a forum where you can upload your submission in these instructions.



Re: no sound during playback
User: Visitor
Date: 9/7/2009 8:24 pm
Views: 356
Rating: 18

In directory modprobe.d you have an alsa config file where you set the default sound input and output. Find the device you wish to use in the list and set it's number to 0 (not to 1) to make it the default. You have to be root.
Reboot and test with typing "say hello" in a terminal. If the sound comes out of the headphone speakers, it worked. If it says "device busy" it worked too, you just have to give it a few minutes.

