
Lexicon file is empty?
User: anuiwogfna27ir
Date: 11/16/2011 3:45 am
Views: 9625
Rating: 13

appears to be empty.

could someone please fix it and provide a link to a working lexicon?



Re: Lexicon file is empty?
User: kmaclean
Date: 11/16/2011 1:39 pm
Views: 198
Rating: 14

>...Lexicon.tgz appears to be empty

This is tar file is autogenerated by a script that runs for all the languages in the VoxForge corpus. 

NSH created an acoustic model using VoxForge data (actually, he gathered most of the speech audio and submitted it to VoxForge) and created an acoustic model for Sphinx - take a look at his Russian pronunciation dictionary.  There may be a more up to date one on the CMU Sphinx web site.


Re: Lexicon file is empty?
User: Visitor
Date: 11/17/2011 8:14 am
Views: 4195
Rating: 14

great, thank you very much!
