
how do you split the russian corpus into train and test?
User: sjkand7
Date: 11/16/2011 5:05 am
Views: 9293
Rating: 13


what is the common way of splitting the corpus into a train and a test set? are there any conventions on that?

Re: how do you split the russian corpus into train and test?
User: nsh
Date: 11/16/2011 5:52 am
Views: 147
Rating: 13

> what is the common way of splitting the corpus into a train and a test set?

In Voxforge sets each prompt from 10 in the full list go to the test

> are there any conventions on that?

There is no common convention like that. In other corpuses the test set is created differently.


Re: how do you split the russian corpus into train and test?
User: Visitor
Date: 11/16/2011 6:02 am
Views: 3966
Rating: 13

sorry, could you please be more precise on "each prompt from 10 in the full list"?
