
невозможно пополнить базу?
User: zamir
Date: 11/14/2010 12:52 am
Views: 15295
Rating: 12

когда последий раз пробовал пополнить базу - у меня ничего не вышло

тоесть аплет загрузился

записи записал

а вот кнопке отправить ничего не отправлялось

аплет по всей видимости не мог соединиться с сервром для отправки данных...

voxforge dropping tcp packets
User: zamir
Date: 1/28/2011 2:09 am
Views: 309
Rating: 9

собственно на мой взгляд есть проблема с доступом к этому сайту. Дропаются пакеты...

на voxforge посути можно выложить свой голос, но судя по всему нет возможности выложить порезанные на части аудио-книги (проблемы с правообладателями могут возникнуть).

я создал програму которая помогает нарезать аудио-книги и могу создать git репозитарий для размещения нарезанного материала.

Есть желающие присоединиться к этим начинаниям?

jabber/email: [email protected]

jabber/qip: [email protected]

Re: voxforge dropping tcp packets
User: kmaclean
Date: 2/11/2011 10:03 pm
Views: 244
Rating: 10

Google translate:

actually I think there is a problem with access to this site. Start dropping packets ...

on voxforge posuti can put your voice, but apparently there is no way to put chopped to pieces of audio-books (the problems with copyright holders may arise).

I created a program's which helps to cut the audio books and can create a git repository for placing chopped material.

There are wishing to join these endeavors?

Google translate is not clear on wheat your program does... please elaborate...

does you program segment audio books and put the results in a git repository?


audio-book spliter
User: zamir
Date: 2/12/2011 1:03 am
Views: 546
Rating: 10

Thank you for reply kmaclean

I'am creating project help cut/split audio-book in part (10 - 30 seconds)
and creating russian language model
project contain modules:

core spliter module, need perl, sox and sphinx3 (support any language in theory)

my last russian voice model for sphinx
TOTAL Words: 79878 Correct: 74804 Errors: 6076
TOTAL Percent correct = 93.65% Error = 7.61% Accuracy = 92.39%
TOTAL Insertions: 1002 Deletions: 1628 Substitutions: 3446

russian transcriptor module, need perl
contain russian dictonary accent
it program creating .dic for sphinx

russian text normalization

russian linguistic_questions for sphinxtrain

Re: audio-book spliter
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/15/2011 7:19 pm
Views: 329
Rating: 9

>I'am creating project help cut/split audio-book in part (10 - 30 seconds)

>and creating russian language model

very cool, thanks for letting us know!

Are you using forced alignment with Sphinx for the segmentation of the audio book?



Re: audio-book spliter
User: zamir
Date: 4/15/2011 11:20 pm
Views: 191
Rating: 9

1) for siliens detect, segmantation and convert wav/mp3 using "sox" yet

2) for spliting text  using "sphinx3_decode" and "sphinx_jsgf2fsg"



logic aligment:

1) genetare JSGF grammar


#JSGF V1.0;

grammar all;

public <all> =  бедной из [ берёзовых ] [ кругляшей ] [ с ] [ бочками ] [ старой ] [ железной ] [ кроватью ]

2) convert jsgf to fsg and use for aligment with sphinx3_decode

3) change jsgf and try againg for best seach best result

Re: audio-book spliter
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/16/2011 8:53 am
Views: 167
Rating: 9


Re: невозможно пополнить базу?
User: kmaclean
Date: 2/11/2011 10:00 pm
Views: 341
Rating: 8

Google translation:

when successive times, tried to fill up the base - I did not work

ie an applet loaded

records recorded

but the button to send anything not sent

applet apparently could not connect to servrom for sending data ...

I am hoping that this was once only problem - please try to submit again,




voice don't send
User: zamir
Date: 4/16/2011 2:23 am
Views: 229
Rating: 9

i try again, but do not work :(

i using transparent proxy squid

last log:

1302938074.884  16333 10.X.X.X TCP_MISS/200 51145 GET - DIRECT/ text/html

1302938077.273    643 10.X.X.X TCP_MISS/200 9724 GET - DIRECT/ text/html


# telnet 80
Connected to (
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

Re: voice don't send
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/16/2011 12:54 pm
Views: 248
Rating: 9

>i using transparent proxy squid

From the Java Applet Troubleshooting Guide:

Proxy Servers

If your browser is behind a proxy server, please set up your Java JRE as follows: 

  • Open the JRE control panel:
    • Windows: located in system control panel under Java (Start>Control Panel>Java - If this isn't visible, ensure you're using "Classic View", and not "Category View");
    • Linux: located in System>Preferences>Java (or execute jcontrol from the command line);
  • Click the "General" tab, then click the "Network Settings..." button. Enter  proxy settings as directed by your local system administrator;
  • Restart your web browser.


