
Can I do Speech to text with Sphinx4?
User: Alessandro
Date: 12/10/2015 6:46 am
Views: 6953
Rating: 0

Hi Everybody!

I need to create a project that converts the human voice into the written word, something like this. Can Sphinx4 do this job? The project is for Italian and English language.



Re: Can I do Speech to text with Sphinx4?
User: nsh
Date: 12/10/2015 9:58 am
Views: 56
Rating: 1

Yes, Sphinx4 can do that. You can try a similar technology available open source here:

or here

For Italian you will need quite some work to add support for Italian language though. You need to collect significantly large speech database, about 500 hours of speech.


Re: Can I do Speech to text with Sphinx4?
User: Alessandro
Date: 12/10/2015 1:09 pm
Views: 36
Rating: 0

Many thanks for your response, I'm going to look the projects (i saw that one is using kaldi). What if I need get only some main concept from a speech, the process to train the model is the same but i need a smallest speech database?

Thanks again

Re: Can I do Speech to text with Sphinx4?
User: nsh
Date: 12/10/2015 1:23 pm
Views: 3288
Rating: 0

> What if I need get only some main concept from a speech, the process to train the model is the same but i need a smallest speech database?

Database has to be of significant size anyway, you need 20-30 audiobooks at least.

