
tools to make phomenes
User: angelz
Date: 9/1/2012 4:58 am
Views: 9170
Rating: 21


what tools you use for make the phomene by word

I used espeak but I dont't know if I use well.

i use this command :

espeak -v fr -q -X "lampe"

the result is : 

Translate 'lampe'

  1     l        [l]


  1     a        [a]

 43     am (p    [A~]


  1     p        [p]


 22     e (_     []

  1     e        [@]




What is the phomenes ?


thanks for help

Re: tools to make phomenes
User: nsh
Date: 9/1/2012 3:39 pm
Views: 363
Rating: 19

> dont't know if I use well.

You are using it correctly, but you can use other ways like Ralf's french dictionary

> What is the phomenes ?

Last line contains phoneme transcription:


They are not separated by spaces, you need to separate youself.



Re: tools to make phomenes
User: Visitor
Date: 9/1/2012 5:47 pm
Views: 400
Rating: 17


i have see Ralf dictionary and it's very complete :) but how I can use (or convert) with the tutorial ?

Re: tools to make phomenes
User: fabrice
Date: 9/2/2012 4:33 pm
Views: 4257
Rating: 21


I have try to use Ralf dictionary in the tuto, but for that, before I have use a little script to export data in a file format as :


NAME [NAME] phomene


script :





while read lexeme


        grapheme=`echo ${lexeme}|sed 's/.*<grapheme>\(.*\)<\/grapheme>.*/\1/'`

        phoneme=`echo ${lexeme}|sed 's/.*<phoneme>\(.*\)<\/phoneme>.*/\1/'`


        echo ${grapheme}        "["${grapheme}"]"       ${phoneme} >> Lexique

done < <(awk '/<grapheme>/ {grapheme=$0} /<phoneme>/ {phoneme=$0} /<\/lexeme>/ { print grapheme""phoneme""}' ${fichierXML}) 


But I have not sure of the result (encodage UTF8)

files here

xml :

File_convert :

 if it's right maybe this file can help somebody ;)


thanks for help
