
Re: prompts specification
User: samuel buffet
Date: 9/8/2008 2:06 pm
Views: 128
Rating: 4
Hi Ken & Daniël,

>>Is the number of words limited ?

>Yes, please only have 15-25 words per line.

 It's seem a lot to me.

I've notice that with the applet the limit for a prompt to be displayed correctly seems to be 74 charaters.

So I've prepared a prompt list for French with the following caracteristics :

640 promts with between 60 and 74 characters to be correctly displayed

All prompts are supposed to be *natural* & quite easy to read.


Are you interested in that list and what else has to be done for the French project ? (except translation I'am already working on)





Re: prompts specification
User: samuel buffet
Date: 9/8/2008 2:18 pm
Views: 75
Rating: 5

Yet another question,


What's the best way to translate the related web pages.


Save as french.htm + text editaor + translation seems a bit primitive.

Do you have any php template or something else to translate ?


Re: prompts specification
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/8/2008 3:36 pm
Views: 89
Rating: 4

Hi Samuel,

>What's the best way to translate the related web pages.

I can set it up so that you edit them directly - are you interested in doing it this way?



Re: prompts specification
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/8/2008 3:39 pm
Views: 93
Rating: 5

Hi Samuel,

>>Yes, please only have 15-25 words per line.

> It's seem a lot to me.

If you go to the Russian Read page, you will see many prompts that wrap around 2 or more lines...

>what else has to be done for the French project ? 

Web page translations - but we are already talking about that in another thread... :)





Re: prompts specification
User: Visitor
Date: 9/8/2008 4:08 pm
Views: 73
Rating: 5

Evening Ken,

 >If you go to the Russian Read page, you will see many prompts that wrap around 2 or more lines...

Yes I've seen that also in the Italian page. In fact I can easily create promts of bigger length but it maybe to difficult to read correctly for most people.

What's your opinion about that ? Is there something optiomal or is it not that important ?

>I can set it up so that you edit them directly - are you interested in doing it this way?

 Yes of course. The easier way for you will be my way.

 I guess you have my email.



Re: prompts specification
User: samuel buffet
Date: 9/8/2008 4:10 pm
Views: 88
Rating: 5

Yet another *visitor* which is really me.


Re: prompts specification
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/8/2008 9:30 pm
Views: 148
Rating: 5

Hi Samuel,

>What's your opinion about that ? Is there something optiomal or is it not

>that important ?

I think this is more of an art than a science...  You need to balance the need to want to get the best phoneme coverage for a set of prompts (usually done with longer prompts), and not boring your submitter with overly long or uninteresting prompts (I'm already guilty of the second one... :) )

From an acoustic model creation perspective, the training scripts/tools work best with prompts that are on average no longer than 15-25 words.  Anything longer than that (you can have a few exceptions...) and the training process really slows down.

>I can set it up so that you edit them directly

>> Yes of course. The easier way for you will be my way.

You now have admin access for the new French section of VoxForge.

Editing content with WebGUI

The main thing to remember when editing content, is that WebGUI creates a "version tag" (the default is your username and current date).  To publish your changes so that everyone can see them, you need to "commit" your version tag. 

To edit content you need to be in "admin" mode (click "admin" on top right hand corner of page).  A new admin menu appears on the left hand side of your web page.  To commit content click the "Version Tags" tab in the admin menu, select "commit my version" - if you click this, then the content you edited under your currently selected version will be visible to everyone.  No content changes are visible until you commit the version tag!

If you log out and log back in without committing changes you made in a  previous session, you need to select your version tag (that you started in your previous session) to make it active.  If you don't, then WebGUI will automatically create a new version tag... this can get confusing, because your previous edits will still be "locked" under your old version tag.

The commit process is useful because you can edit multiple web pages (even on different days) as a single version tag, and publish them all at once with a single commit.

WebGUI has a tutorial (Primer PDFWebGUI-Primer.pdf) and also a sandbox (   Look up Page Layouts, Articles, Forums and Shortcuts. 

A "Page Layout" is container object.  Think of it as a directory that displays whatever is contained in it.  The way I've got things set up, this is where you would change the menu name to a French menu name. 

"Articles" are objects that contain your text.  You can have more than one article (or any other object) on the same Page Layout.  Just overwrite the text with the translation of the corresponding English page.  I've got some default text on each page that you can modify.

"Forum" is an object... which, if you are reading this you would obviously know, lets users submit posts and post replies.

"Shortcuts" are pointers to other objects that are displayed on the Page Layout they are located in. Usually this points to another article or forum from the English side of the VoxForge website.  You cannot change the object that the Shortcut points to, but you can "overwrite" some of its properties.  Using this feature you can overwrite the title (i.e. translate it to French) of the object being pointed to.

Therefore, if an Article and a Shortcut to a Forum are contained on a Page Layout, when you click the URL of the Page Layout, the content of the Article and the Shortcut (which both have their own URL, the Shortcut being like an internal redirect to the Forum) will be displayed, in the same way images are displayed on a web page.

Thanks for your help on this!


Re: prompts specification
User: samuel buffet
Date: 9/9/2008 3:33 pm
Views: 91
Rating: 4

Hi Ken,


I've already translated a few pages with the french/pages admin account you gave me.

I only have a problem with the 'Submit Speech Using Computer' link on the right side of the wellcome page. It's linked to /hb/read not /fr/read at the moment and I fail when I try to edit that. And I also have a strange



(not visible to the public)

    French Endpage"

displayed on /fr/read.


PS: Do you already have French prompts or are you interested by the ones I've done ?



Re: prompts specification
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/9/2008 4:34 pm
Views: 80
Rating: 5

Hi Samuel,

>I've already translated a few pages with the french/pages admin account

>you gave me.

Excellent, thanks!

>It's linked to /hb/read not /fr/read at the moment

I fixed the actual link (I cut and pasted the Hebrew pages to create the French pages...but forgot to fix this link), I will look into the permissions issue later. 

>     French Endpage"

The French endpage is the page that gets displayed to the user after they submit speech using the Speech Submission app... it should be translated also...

>Do you already have French prompts or are you interested by the

>ones I've done ?

Yes, please post them here or on the French listen page (you can add an attachment there).

thanks again for all your help!


Re: prompts specification
User: dano
Date: 9/9/2008 4:45 pm
Views: 217
Rating: 5

Hi Samuel,

I have the same problem.

The  link to the French endpage is I think not accidentally, you can reach the enpage in one click now.

I think you can post the prompts as French needs prompts :). When you have a bigger amount of prompts you have to take the monophones and triphones (explained here: into account.


edit: I didn't saw the upper post Wink
