Speech Recognition Engines

Problem running Julian Live
User: prangprang
Date: 3/27/2012 12:46 pm
Views: 3330
Rating: 7

as I type in the command

$ julian -input mic -C julian.jconf

The output turning to be as the following: How can I fix this problem???


include config: julian.jconf

###### check configurations

###### initialize input device

Audio cycle buffer length: 768000 bytes

AD-in thread created

###### build up system

Reading in HMM definition...(ascii)...limit check passed

   defined HMMs:    24

  logical names:    46 in HMMList

    base phones:    22 used in logical


Making pseudo bi/mono-phone for IW-triphone...35 added as logical...done

reading [sample.dfa] and [sample.dict]...

Reading in dictionary...

line 3: triphone "*-d+qq" or biphone "d+qq" not found

> 2     [WALK]  d qq n

line 4: triphone "*-j+u" or biphone "j+u" not found

> 2     [STOP]  j u t

line 5: triphone "*-l+iaa" or biphone "l+iaa" not found

> 2     [TURNLEFT]      l iaa w s aa j

line 6: triphone "*-l+iaa" or biphone "l+iaa" not found

> 2     [TURNRIGHT]     l iaa w khw aa

line 7: triphone "*-th+@@" or biphone "th+@@" not found

> 2     [STEPBACK]      th @@ j l a ng

line 8: triphone "*-m+u" or biphone "m+u" not found

> 2     [AROUND]        m u n r @@ p t uua

////// Missing phones:

*-d+qq or biphone d+qq

*-j+u or biphone j+u

*-l+iaa or biphone l+iaa

*-m+u or biphone m+u

*-th+@@ or biphone th+@@


Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Thank you


--- (Edited on 3/27/2012 12:46 pm [GMT-0500] by prangprang) ---
