Speech Recognition Engines

JSAPI interfaces
User: KNSetting
Date: 8/10/2010 9:05 am
Views: 6562
Rating: 4

Hi, I am working in a project that want to make a JSAPI compilant speech reconition engine, if possible Julius engine.

I was searching on the net from specifications on how to do that, but I cannot find anything, as a model I take a look on the Sphinx source code, but it do not have the source of JSAPI.

I take a look at the oracle site of JSAPI (http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/speech/) and I cannot find the API with its interfaces that I have to implement to have my recognizer JSAPI compilant.

Anyone can help me? Or I have to implement by myself all the specifications of the programmers guide (I do not fink it is a solution)?


--- (Edited on 8/10/2010 9:05 am [GMT-0500] by KNSetting) ---

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Re: JSAPI interfaces
User: Paul
Date: 8/10/2010 11:35 pm
Views: 113
Rating: 4
If you mean Microsoft's SAPI then Julius already has a SAPI implementation, although it seems a bit old. http://julius.sourceforge.jp/en_index.php The Windows SDK contains an skeleton example for of an SAPI engine. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/bb980924.aspx

--- (Edited on 8/10/2010 11:35 pm [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---

Re: JSAPI interfaces
User: KNSetting
Date: 8/12/2010 10:26 am
Views: 200
Rating: 5

Actually, I have seen now that my text was a little confusing what I really want is JSAPI and not SAPI as said sometimes in the text. Do you know something?

--- (Edited on 8/12/2010 10:26 am [GMT-0500] by KNSetting) ---

Re: JSAPI interfaces
User: kmaclean
Date: 8/21/2010 11:21 pm
Views: 2472
Rating: 4

>Actually, I have seen now that my text was a little confusing what I really

>want is JSAPI and not SAPI as said sometimes in the text.

The JvoiceXML project uses JSAPI with Sphinx.

--- (Edited on 8/22/2010 12:21 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
