Speech Recognition Engines

Re: How to connec the output of this to a speech enabled web browser
User: Visitor
Date: 10/13/2009 11:42 pm
Views: 162
Rating: 5


--- (Edited on 10/13/2009 11:42 pm [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---

How to use voice filtering to speech recognition
User: Visitor
Date: 11/8/2009 9:25 pm
Views: 139
Rating: 6

Hi, please tell me how to use voice filtering when recgnizing speech using sphinx



--- (Edited on 11/8/2009 9:25 pm [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---

Re: How to use voice filtering to speech recognition
User: kmaclean
Date: 11/12/2009 1:31 pm
Views: 262
Rating: 5

See this post: voice filtering

--- (Edited on 11/12/2009 2:31 pm [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---

Re:how to make the sphinx4 to give correct hypothesis
User: revaralaveeresh
Date: 3/31/2010 3:39 am
Views: 130
Rating: 6

Hi to all, i am veeresh,i ran regression tests for an4 data with sphinx4 in ubuntu 9.10 it is providing 98% word error rate.It is not providing the correct hypothesis

    [java] REF:       yes
     [java] HYP:       f
     [java]    Accuracy: 0.000%    Errors: 1  (Sub: 1  Ins: 0  Del: 0)
     [java]    Words: 1   Matches: 0    WER: 100.000%
     [java]    Sentences: 1   Matches: 0   SentenceAcc: 0.000%
     [java]    This  Time Audio: 1.00s  Proc: 1.19s  Speed: 1.19 X real time
     [java]    Total Time Audio: 1.00s  Proc: 1.19s  Speed: 1.19 X real time
     [java]    Mem  Total: 216.63 Mb  Free: 24.93 Mb
     [java]    Used: This: 191.70 Mb  Avg: 191.70 Mb  Max: 191.70 Mb
     [java] REF:       go
     [java] HYP:       f
     [java]    Accuracy: 0.000%    Errors: 2  (Sub: 2  Ins: 0  Del: 0)
     [java]    Words: 2   Matches: 0    WER: 100.000%
     [java]    Sentences: 2   Matches: 0   SentenceAcc: 0.000%
     [java]    This  Time Audio: 0.70s  Proc: 0.64s  Speed: 0.91 X real time
     [java]    Total Time Audio: 1.70s  Proc: 1.82s  Speed: 1.07 X real time
     [java]    Mem  Total: 216.63 Mb  Free: 29.61 Mb
     [java]    Used: This: 187.02 Mb  Avg: 189.36 Mb  Max: 191.70 Mb
     [java] REF:       yes
     [java] HYP:       f
     [java]    Accuracy: 0.000%    Errors: 3  (Sub: 3  Ins: 0  Del: 0)
     [java]    Words: 3   Matches: 0    WER: 100.000%
     [java]    Sentences: 3   Matches: 0   SentenceAcc: 0.000%
     [java]    This  Time Audio: 0.90s  Proc: 0.73s  Speed: 0.81 X real time
     [java]    Total Time Audio: 2.60s  Proc: 2.55s  Speed: 0.98 X real time
     [java]    Mem  Total: 216.63 Mb  Free: 28.30 Mb
     [java]    Used: This: 188.33 Mb  Avg: 189.02 Mb  Max: 191.70 Mb
     [java] REF:       u m n y h six
     [java] HYP:       fifth
     [java]    Accuracy: 0.000%    Errors: 9  (Sub: 4  Ins: 0  Del: 5)
     [java]    Words: 9   Matches: 0    WER: 100.000%
     [java]    Sentences: 4   Matches: 0   SentenceAcc: 0.000%
     [java]    This  Time Audio: 2.60s  Proc: 2.12s  Speed: 0.81 X real time
     [java]    Total Time Audio: 5.20s  Proc: 4.67s  Speed: 0.90 X real time
     [java]    Mem  Total: 216.63 Mb  Free: 32.76 Mb
     [java]    Used: This: 183.87 Mb  Avg: 187.73 Mb  Max: 191.70 Mb
     [java] REF:       h i n i c h
     [java] HYP:       f

like wise it is getting 98% wer for the an4 data can anybody help in this regard

--- (Edited on 3/31/2010 3:40 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---

Re:how to make the sphinx4 to give correct hypothesis
User: revaralaveeresh
Date: 3/31/2010 3:47 am
Views: 226
Rating: 6

Hi to all, i am veeresh,i ran regression tests for an4 data with sphinx4 in ubuntu 9.10 it is providing 98% word error rate.It is not providing the correct hypothesis

    [java] REF:       yes
     [java] HYP:       f
     [java]    Accuracy: 0.000%    Errors: 1  (Sub: 1  Ins: 0  Del: 0)
     [java]    Words: 1   Matches: 0    WER: 100.000%
     [java]    Sentences: 1   Matches: 0   SentenceAcc: 0.000%
     [java] REF:       go
     [java] HYP:       f
     [java]    Accuracy: 0.000%    Errors: 2  (Sub: 2  Ins: 0  Del: 0)
     [java]    Words: 2   Matches: 0    WER: 100.000%
     [java]    Sentences: 2   Matches: 0   SentenceAcc: 0.000%
     [java] REF:       yes
     [java] HYP:       f
     [java]    Accuracy: 0.000%    Errors: 3  (Sub: 3  Ins: 0  Del: 0)
     [java]    Words: 3   Matches: 0    WER: 100.000%
     [java]    Sentences: 3   Matches: 0   SentenceAcc: 0.000%
     [java] REF:       u m n y h six
     [java] HYP:       fifth
     [java]    Accuracy: 0.000%    Errors: 9  (Sub: 4  Ins: 0  Del: 5)
     [java]    Words: 9   Matches: 0    WER: 100.000%
     [java]    Sentences: 4   Matches: 0   SentenceAcc: 0.000%
    [java] REF:       h i n i c h
     [java] HYP:       f

like wise it is getting 98% wer for the an4 data can anybody help in this regard


--- (Edited on 3/31/2010 3:47 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---

Re:how to make the sphinx4 to give correct hypothesis
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/7/2010 8:55 am
Views: 2725
Rating: 5

cross posted from here

--- (Edited on 4/7/2010 9:55 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
