Speech Recognition Engines

Re: 100% error at the end of sphinx tutorial with pocketsphinx
User: nsh
Date: 6/26/2008 2:25 am
Views: 370
Rating: 17

It looks like you are using pocketsphinx trunk that contains a bug that broke decoding. Could you please try released version 0.4.1. You'll also need to revert sphinxbase.

Also please share the result file /usr/local/src/tutorial/an4/result/an4-1-1.match  to check what's broken there. We'll try to fix the bug.


--- (Edited on 6/26/2008 2:25 am [GMT-0500] by nsh) ---

Re: 100% error at the end of sphinx tutorial with pocketsphinx
User: akmzia
Date: 7/1/2008 9:20 pm
Views: 380
Rating: 14


I tried pocketsphinx released version 0.4.1 and reverted to released version of sphinxbase. This time it seems decoding was done, but got 100% error.

The log file is here: http://sip.hq.com.au/an4-1-1.log.new

and the result file is here: http://sip.hq.com.au/an4-1-1.match

 Please help.


Kind Regards,





--- (Edited on 7/1/2008 9:20 pm [GMT-0500] by akmzia) ---

Re: 100% error at the end of sphinx tutorial with pocketsphinx
User: nsh
Date: 7/2/2008 3:10 am
Views: 273
Rating: 16
Provide training logs as well or, better, all files you've got in an4 subfolder.

--- (Edited on 7/2/2008 3:10 am [GMT-0500] by nsh) ---

Re: 100% error at the end of sphinx tutorial with pocketsphinx
User: akmzia
Date: 7/2/2008 7:10 am
Views: 664
Rating: 15

Thanks for the quick reply.

All the files in the an4 folder are here:



If you want to download the the entire folder, u can download the tar from this link:



Thanks again,



--- (Edited on 7/2/2008 7:10 am [GMT-0500] by akmzia) ---

--- (Edited on 7/2/2008 7:13 am [GMT-0500] by akmzia) ---

Re: 100% error at the end of sphinx tutorial with pocketsphinx
User: nsh
Date: 7/2/2008 4:01 pm
Views: 1324
Rating: 15

Thanks, I looked closer on this. There are multiple issues here:

1. With pocketsphinx-0.4 I can decode just fine with your models:

  SENTENCE ERROR: 53.077% (69/130)

 But you can't decode as I see. There are multiple issues possible here:

 a) pocketsphinx-0.4 has 64-bit issues (most likely)

 b) You are using pocketsphinx-0.4 but sphinxbase from trunk somehow (less likely)

2. I also tried trunk and there is the following issue. It decodes just fine, but unforunately it dumps result in a different format:

     RUBOUT G N EIGHTY M THREE NINTH (an4test_clstk/fcaw/an406-fcaw-b -78722380)

 instead of

   RUBOUT T N EIGHTY M THREE NINE  (an406-fcaw-b  -78761223)

so scripts fail to compare strings. To fix it I suggest the following patch:

  Index: slave.pl
--- slave.pl (revision 8523)
+++ slave.pl (working copy)
@@ -111,7 +111,16 @@
# Make them uppercase
my $text = uc($1);
- my $id = uc($2);
+# Select basename from uttid
+ @path = split /[\\\/]/, uc(2);
+ my $id;
+ if ($#path > 0) {
+ $id = $path[$#path - 1];
+ } else {
+ $id = "id";
+ }
# Removing leading spaces
$text =~ s/^\s+//;
# Removing trailing spaces

To remove  directory path from uttid and revert back to previous format. But I don't think it's correct, so it needs review to be applied to trunk.  You can try it and you should get the same result with trunk as with 0.4. If not, please upload again the decoding log file.


--- (Edited on 7/2/2008 4:01 pm [GMT-0500] by nsh) ---

Re: 100% error at the end of sphinx tutorial with pocketsphinx
User: daFunkyUnit
Date: 11/30/2009 1:36 am
Views: 144
Rating: 9


I'm also getting stuck at this step in the tutorial.

perl scripts_pl/decode/slave.pl

I get this error message at the command line:

MODULE: DECODE Decoding using models previously trained
        Decoding 130 segments starting at 0 (part 1 of 1)
        Aligning results to find error rate
Can't open /Users/baon/tutorial/an4/result/an4-1-1.match
word_align.pl failed with error code 65280 at scripts_pl/decode/slave.pl line 173.

However, I notice that in my log file (/Users/baon/tutorial/an4/logdir/decode/an4-1-1.log) I'm getting this error:

/Users/baon/tutorial/an4/bin/sphinx3_decode: error: `/Users/baon/tutorial/an4/bin/.libs/sphinx3_decode' does not exist

So it looks like it can't find sphinx3_decode, as it is looking for a nonexistant directory called ".libs" in the an4/bin directory.  How do you fix this?


--- (Edited on 11/30/2009 1:36 am [GMT-0600] by daFunkyUnit) ---

Re: 100% error at the end of sphinx tutorial with pocketsphinx
User: nsh
Date: 11/30/2009 3:03 am
Views: 130
Rating: 9

It looks like due to the old sphinx3 version or by some other accident you've copied libtool wrapper shell script into an4/bin. Replace wrapper shell script an4/bin/sphinx3_decode by the sphinx3 binary which you can find in sphinx3 installation folder.


--- (Edited on 11/30/2009 12:03 [GMT+0300] by nsh) ---

Re: 100% error at the end of sphinx tutorial with pocketsphinx
User: daFunkyUnit
Date: 11/30/2009 9:47 pm
Views: 123
Rating: 8

Thank you for your reply.  That indeed solved the problem.  However, now I'm running into another problem, where sphinx3_decode can't be run, as it is reporting in the log that "dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libshinxad.0.dylib"

I've followed the tutorial pretty closely, and was able to compile & install sphinx3, sphinxbase, and SphinxTrain.  Am I missing something?

Thanks again for the help!

--- (Edited on 11/30/2009 9:47 pm [GMT-0600] by daFunkyUnit) ---

Re: 100% error at the end of sphinx tutorial with pocketsphinx
User: nsh
Date: 12/1/2009 4:06 am
Views: 333
Rating: 7

You probably forgot to install the sphinx3 in /usr/local/lib. Did you run "make install" in sphinx3? Is there library in /usr/local/lib.

Solutions for such common beginners problem you can easily find in google.


--- (Edited on 12/1/2009 13:06 [GMT+0300] by nsh) ---

Re: 100% error at the end of sphinx tutorial with pocketsphinx
User: Dmitriy
Date: 12/17/2009 2:40 pm
Views: 125
Rating: 8


I am facing exactly same issues as daFunkyUnit.  The first one was fixed by replacing sphinx3_decode file as suggested.  The second issue is due to missing files in /usr/local/lib/.  Going back and looking through installation log file for make install, I can see following warnings in the output:


libtool: install: warning: `/Developer/sphinx/sphinx3/../sphinxbase/src/libsphinxbase/libsphinxbase.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/lib'

libtool: install: warning: `/Developer/sphinx/sphinx3/../sphinxbase/src/libsphinxad/libsphinxad.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/lib'

libtool: install: warning: `/Developer/sphinx/sphinxbase/src/libsphinxbase/libsphinxbase.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/lib'


What would be the best way of going about fixing it?


--- (Edited on 12/17/2009 2:40 pm [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---
