Speech Recognition Engines

Best Commercially Available engines for Alignment
User: bluenotebook
Date: 11/5/2015 12:38 am
Views: 6097
Rating: 0



I am developing a feature of syncing (auto-timecoding) corrected transcripts with the audio track in my desktop application. I am willing to spend, but do not want to compromise on the quality. 


Any suggestions on good services that are available right now for my purpose? I am currently making a list of services and will then test them on my dataset to finally zero in on the service I want to use eventually.

--- (Edited on 11/5/2015 12:38 am [GMT-0600] by ) ---

Re: Best Commercially Available engines for Alignment
User: ardwennem2
Date: 12/16/2015 7:15 am
Views: 2730
Rating: 0


I am still quite new to the subject myself so I can't help you with your question.

However I would be interested in seing the results of your tests so if you have done them could you post them here as well?

With kind regards,
Tom Brunner 

--- (Edited on 12/16/2015 7:15 am [GMT-0600] by ardwennem2) ---
