Speech Recognition Engines

Any interest in a Jack interface to Julius
User: cmaynard
Date: 7/15/2008 9:28 am
Views: 6503
Rating: 14
I have written an interface that connects Jack audio input into the Julius SRE. I was wondering if there was any community interest, I still need to do some code cleanup before I would release is(done by the end of the month), but it works right now and I think it is handy. So, anyone interested in playing with Jack and Julius?

--- (Edited on 7/15/2008 9:28 am [GMT-0500] by cmaynard) ---

Re: Any interest in a Jack interface to Julius
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/15/2008 9:47 am
Views: 253
Rating: 11

Hi cmaynard,

>I have written an interface that connects Jack audio input into the Julius SRE.

For others (like me) who have heard of Jack, but do not know exactly what it does, here is a good description:

 JACK is a low-latency audio server. It can connect a number of different applications to an audio device, as well as allowing them to share audio between themselves. Its clients can run in their own processes (i.e., as normal applications), or can they can run within the JACK server (as a "plugin"). JACK is different from other audio server efforts in that it has been designed from the ground up to be suitable for professional audio work. This means that it focuses on two key areas: synchronous execution of all clients, and low latency operation.

How might using Jack with Julius improve/change things? Can it help speed up Julius speech recognition on a LInux/Jack server?

> So, anyone interested in playing with Jack and Julius?

I can host it on VoxForge if you would like, or provide a link to SourceForge, whichever you prefer...



--- (Edited on 7/15/2008 10:47 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: Any interest in a Jack interface to Julius
User: cmaynard
Date: 7/30/2008 2:45 pm
Views: 477
Rating: 10
Sorry for the long response time, I've been busy implementing other software that I am using with the Jack to Julius interface. As far as it's usefulness the main advantage I can see is flexibility. Jack along with Qjackctrl allow you to route audio from different inputs into Julius in real time, making it possible to change audio source in instantly. Also you could send the audio from multiple mics into the same speach recognizer. As far as peeding up recognition it won't really help, however there are man plugins for Jack that are focused on "cleaning" sound, these could help the SNR of incoming voice data. In general it's useful because it provides a visual way to connect your input source. Seeing as it is not integrated into the build system for Julius it is a bit difficult to install. I plan on streamlining the instilation process a little more before making it available. I'm glad to see there is some interest here though.

--- (Edited on 7/30/2008 2:45 pm [GMT-0500] by cmaynard) ---

Re: Any interest in a Jack interface to Julius
User: morino
Date: 10/27/2010 7:49 am
Views: 2476
Rating: 6

Hi cmaynard,

I'm realy interested in the Jack interface for Julius!! Can you please send me your tool or tell me where I can find it in the internet?

I would realy appreciate to hear from you.

Kind regard

--- (Edited on 10/27/2010 7:49 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
