General Discussion

where does HTK save outputs?
User: kibkib
Date: 3/20/2017 6:59 am
Views: 5485
Rating: 0

Hi there!

I am making a project using HTK, I have already done my speech recognition system succesfuly, this system recognises some short sentences to move a hospital bed. Now I want to use the recognised sentences in another software to simulate a hospital bed, so I need to know how I can connect HTK live recogniser with the other software to make them work together, and for that I supose that I need to know where does HTK save all recognised sentences.
Thanks for your time!

--- (Edited on 3/20/2017 6:59 am [GMT-0500] by kibkib) ---

Re: where does HTK save outputs?
User: Praiseworthy
Date: 3/25/2017 7:23 am
Views: 75
Rating: 0


It depends on which folder did you use for saving your HVite results, and if did you use the -T option or not. In general, you can search in the bin folder or the HTK folder but it depends on the path that you have made for HTK.

--- (Edited on 3/25/2017 12:23 pm [GMT+0000] by Praiseworthy) ---

Re: where does HTK save outputs?
User: kibkib
Date: 3/27/2017 3:56 am
Views: 450
Rating: 0


I will research for it.

--- (Edited on 3/27/2017 3:56 am [GMT-0500] by kibkib) ---

Re: where does HTK save outputs?
User: timpage
Date: 4/20/2018 2:45 am
Views: 2153
Rating: 0


Im working on a project using HTK speech recognision toolkit, 





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