General Discussion

Testing nightly build of accustic models
User: sfeu
Date: 12/3/2007 3:57 pm
Views: 6160
Rating: 23

Hey everybody,

i can't figure out how to setup a grammar that is based on the latest nightly builds of the acoustic models.  For testing i have configured a the following voca:

 % NS_B
<s> sil

% NS_E
</s> sil

TIME            t ay m sp
DEPARTURE       d ix p aa r ch er sp

where i have configured two words that i selected from the dict file.
here's the grammar:


if i start julian i get some error msgs regarding missing phones:

###### check configurations
###### initialize input device
###### build up system
Reading in HMM definition...(ascii)...limit check passed
   defined HMMs:  6757
  logical names:  8564 in HMMList
    base phones:    44 used in logical
Making pseudo bi/mono-phone for IW-triphone...1062 added as logical...done
reading [grammar/nabaztag.dfa] and [grammar/nabaztag.dict]...
Reading in dictionary...
line 3: triphone "ay-m+sp" not found
line 3: triphone "m-sp+*" or biphone "m-sp" not found
> 2     [TIME]  t ay m sp
line 4: triphone "ch-er+sp" not found
line 4: triphone "er-sp+*" or biphone "er-sp" not found
> 2     [DEPARTURE]     d ix p aa r ch er sp
////// Missing phones:
er-sp+* or biphone er-sp
m-sp+* or biphone m-sp
error in reading grammar/nabaztag.dict: 2 words failed out of 4 words

which seems to be correct as they are not listed in the tiedlist file.

can anybody give me a hint why these phones are missing? the master prompts files still lists some sentences using both "time" and "depature"  


--- (Edited on 12/3/2007 3:57 pm [GMT-0600] by sfeu) ---

Re: Testing nightly build of accustic models
User: kmaclean
Date: 12/3/2007 5:17 pm
Views: 308
Rating: 30

HI sebastien,

You don't use the "sp" (silence) phone for Julian grammar.

Therefore ... this: 

TIME            t ay m sp
DEPARTURE       d ix p aa r ch er sp

should be this:

TIME            t ay m

DEPARTURE       d ix p aa r ch er

For the nightly build, remember to take your pronunciations from the VoxForgeDic file. 

Hope that helps,


--- (Edited on 12/3/2007 6:17 pm [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---

Re: Testing nightly build of accustic models
User: sfeu
Date: 12/4/2007 12:40 am
Views: 2305
Rating: 32

Hi Ken! 

Great! This solved the problem. The recognition works like a charm now!

Best regards,



--- (Edited on 12/4/2007 12:40 am [GMT-0600] by sfeu) ---
