General Discussion

Search indexed files?
User: Alfonso
Date: 10/20/2010 6:33 pm
Views: 4722
Rating: 1

Running a privacy-check search of my user name I found the following:[your-username-here]

In the first page, I found my own voice donation. Should not them be excluded from serach engines indexing?

I just wanted to raise the flag about privacy implications, you all are doing a great work, guys.




--- (Edited on 10/20/2010 6:33 pm [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---

Re: Search indexed files?
User: kmaclean
Date: 10/20/2010 7:09 pm
Views: 58
Rating: 2

Hi Alfonso,

>Running a privacy-check search of my user name I found the following:

As I stated in my email to you:


Your submissions are licensed under the GPL, so anyone can use them for any purpose, including search engine results, as long they comply with the GPL license (basically you need to provide the source).

I agree that for some people, they might not understand the full extent of what GPL means, and may not want to have their voices linked to their names, but that was why I provided the ability for users to submit anonymously.  

Not sure how to resolve this... any suggestions?

If you don't want your voice to show up in search engine searches, then just submit them under some other name or as anonymous.

If there are not too many, I can manually rename your submissions to 'anonymous' (or something else) if you like.


P.S. if I google my username (kmaclean) using the method you describe, none of my submissions show up, so I get it depends on the username you use.

--- (Edited on 10/20/2010 8:09 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: Search indexed files?
User: Alfonso
Date: 10/21/2010 4:36 am
Views: 2029
Rating: 1

Hi Ken,

Thanks for the prompt response. I've received no mail, I bet my antispam is overzealous again. That's why I posted here.

Would not be easy to exclude the files from search indexing and letting them be available as freely as they are now for humans? I think just excluding them via robots.txt would not make them less available for humans, IMO. Maybe I'm missing some point with the GPL, but I see no problem in excluding them as far as free availability goes.

Acttually I'm not very concerned for my own submissions, because most of time it's not easy to link a nick to a real name, but I think some people may be unaware of this when filling the submission form with maybe more 'real' data.



--- (Edited on 10/21/2010 4:36 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
