General Discussion

Convert sphinx .arpa language model to .DMP file issue
User: Ian
Date: 9/13/2010 8:42 am
Views: 10161
Rating: 5

Hello everyone,

i have tried to convert sphinx .arpa language model to .DMP file with lm3g2dmp tool (more details see

but always get this error:

INFO: lm3g2dmp.c(766):  6966334 = #bigrams created

INFO: lm3g2dmp.c(767):    33180 = #prob2 entries

INFO: lm3g2dmp.c(774):    22420 = #bo_wt2 entries

INFO: lm3g2dmp.c(554): Reading trigrams

.FATAL_ERROR: "lm3g2dmp.c", line 633: Offset from tseg_base > 65535; reduce log2(bg_seg_sz)

the language model was created with vocabulary that have 37330 words, can anybody help me to fix this issue?
thanks in adcance!




--- (Edited on 9/13/2010 8:42 am [GMT-0500] by Ian) ---

Re: Convert sphinx .arpa language model to .DMP file issue
User: nsh
Date: 9/13/2010 9:16 am
Views: 4747
Rating: 4

> i have tried to convert sphinx .arpa language model to .DMP file with > lm3g2dmp tool (more details


1. Don't use outdated guides. You can find all required and up-to-date information on CMUSphinx on CMUSphinx website:

2. Don't use lm3g2dmp, use sphinx_lm_convert instead

3. Don't ask CMUSphinx questions here. Before asking, search CMUSphinx forums, then ask question there.



--- (Edited on 9/13/2010 18:16 [GMT+0400] by nsh) ---
