Acoustic Model Discussions

Keyword spotting using Julius Decoder
User: perezvon
Date: 11/28/2011 1:22 am
Views: 6360
Rating: 9


I have done LVCSR using Julius, I'd like to experiment with keyword spotting. 

Is there a tutorial or soemthing like that I can follow for keyword-spotting using Julius?


--- (Edited on 11/28/2011 1:22 am [GMT-0600] by perezvon) ---

Re: Keyword spotting using Julius Decoder
User: nsh
Date: 11/28/2011 7:43 am
Views: 2564
Rating: 9

Keyword spotting requires somewhat different algorithms than continuous speech recognition. For that reason you could try to build keyword spotter from julius but it will require you to modify the source code or your setup will not be much flexible. It will not be a fully functional keyword spotter.

CMUsphinx recently implemented a real keyword spotter which you can try. See this thread for example:


--- (Edited on 11/28/2011 16:43 [GMT+0300] by nsh) ---
