Acoustic Model Discussions

Is possible to connect 2 speech feature my HCopy.
User: Noah
Date: 10/20/2010 3:48 am
Views: 4954
Rating: 1

Dear all

I'm interesting in speech feature extraction.

So, I want to known is posible to connect speech feature like mfcc and lpc by HCopy (like 39 mfcc coefficients + 39 mfcc coefficients = 78 sum coeffiecient?

I've tied by config in HCopy config file like


Is it right ?

Thank you.


--- (Edited on 10/20/2010 3:48 am [GMT-0500] by Noah) ---

Re: Is possible to connect 2 speech feature my HCopy.
User: kmaclean
Date: 10/29/2010 8:54 pm
Views: 2341
Rating: 2

>So, I want to known is posible to connect speech feature like

>mfcc and lpc by HCopy 

I think there is a table in the HTK book that show which types of files you can copy to and from using HCopy.  You might have to experiment.

If not, you might try the HTK mailing list.


--- (Edited on 10/29/2010 9:54 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
