Acoustic Model Discussions

HTK HCopy error when trying to convert .wav or .htk to .mfcc
User: ossia
Date: 6/28/2011 1:42 pm
Views: 6759
Rating: 6



I'm trying to get myself trained on HTK with a baby data set.  

My problem arises when I try to use HCopy to convert the files to .mfcc. I have been trying to convert my HTK files (.sig ) to .mcff files.My analysis.conf file is as follows:  



# Acoustical analysis configuration file:




 # Unit = 0.1 micro second :

 WINDOWSIZE = 250000.0  

 TARGETRATE = 100000.0  

 NUMCEPS = 12  



 PREEMCOEF = 0.97  

 NUMCHANS = 26  


 # The End


I use the following command:

HCopy -A -D -C analysis.conf -S targetlist.txt


but I get the following error:
HTK Configuration Parameters[9]
Module/Tool     Parameter                   Value
#                 CEPLIFTER                     22
#                 NUMCHANS                     26
#                 PREEMCOEF               0.970000
#                 USEHAMMING                  TRUE
#                 NUMCEPS                       12
#                 TARGETRATE         100000.000000
#                 WINDOWSIZE         250000.000000
#                 TARGETKIND             MFCC_0_D_A
#                 SOURCEFORMAT              HTK

  ERROR [+6310]  OpenParmChannel: cannot open Parm File  #
  ERROR [+6313]  OpenAsChannel: OpenParmChannel failed
  ERROR [+6316]  OpenBuffer: OpenAsChannel failed
  ERROR [+1050]  OpenParmFile: Config parameters invalid
 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program 



--- (Edited on 6/28/2011 1:42 pm [GMT-0500] by ossia) ---

Re: HTK HCopy error when trying to convert .wav or .htk to .mfcc
User: kmaclean
Date: 8/2/2011 8:41 am
Views: 2406
Rating: 10

> trying to convert my HTK files (.sig ) to .mcff files

what does the  HTK book say about your errors?

--- (Edited on 8/2/2011 9:41 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
