Acoustic Model Discussions

Combine acoustic model with language model and detect silence between words
User: Head7
Date: 4/4/2017 5:46 am
Views: 6452
Rating: 0

Hello everybody , trying to build a SR system. How can i combine an acoustic model with a language model. i mean what are the inputs and outputs of each one?

And how to detect the beginning and end of words in continous speech?

--- (Edited on 4/4/2017 5:46 am [GMT-0500] by ) ---

Re: Combine acoustic model with language model and detect silence between words
User: Praiseworthy
Date: 4/10/2017 10:32 am
Views: 77
Rating: 1

Hi, which tool are you using for building you Speech Recognition System?

--- (Edited on 4/10/2017 4:32 pm [GMT+0100] by Praiseworthy) ---

Re: Combine acoustic model with language model and detect silence between words
User: Head7
Date: 4/11/2017 3:30 am
Views: 66
Rating: 0

I'm using  python/tensorflow to implement a recurrent neural network for acoustic modeling

--- (Edited on 4/11/2017 3:30 am [GMT-0500] by Head7) ---

Re: Combine acoustic model with language model and detect silence between words
User: Praiseworthy
Date: 4/11/2017 8:47 am
Views: 2797
Rating: 1


I think you need to read up on speech recognition, in order to know more about the general structure of it. Here are some links that could provide that. I Hope you find them useful.

--- (Edited on 4/11/2017 2:47 pm [GMT+0100] by Praiseworthy) ---
