Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Thawte?
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/1/2010 12:05 pm
Views: 8307
Rating: -36

From their Wikipedia entry:

Thawte Consulting is a certificate authority (CA) for X.509 certificates. Thawte, (pronounced like "thought"), was founded in 1995 by Mark Shuttleworth in South Africa and is the second largest public CA on the Internet.

Thawte offers free email certificates that can be used sign Java code for use in Java Applets (Richard Dallaway's Java Web Start and Code Signing page provides the details on how this can be done).  

Re: Who is Thawte?
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/12/2010 3:36 pm
Views: 562
Rating: 5

Thawte no longer offers free email certificates that can be jury-rigged as code signing certificates.

However, Thawte offers free code signing certificates to qualifying Free and Open Source projects (which we are currently using for the VoxForge SpeechSubmission applet)

We are very grateful for Thawte's support of the VoxForge project.

