Frequently Asked Questions

How to compile Julius from source
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/1/2010 10:25 am
Views: 26115
Rating: 16

Step 1 - Download Source Code

Create a new directory in your home directory called 'bin', it should have the following path (replace yourusername with the username you are using on your system):

  • /home/yourusename/bin 

Get the tarball of the most current version of the Julius source files.

and save it to your new bin directory.

Extract the file using:

  • Nautilus (right click the tar/gzipped file and click extract here)
  • use tar from the command line:
    • tar -xvzf julius-4.3.1.tar.gz

this should create a julius-4.3.1 directory in your bin folder.

Step 2 - Compile & Install Julius

After unpacking the sources, open a command line terminal and go to the /hom/yourusername/bin/julius-4.3.1 directory where you downloaded your files. 


The default location for binaries is "/usr/local" which will put the tools in "/usr/local/bin".  You need to change this default location using the "./configure" script to specify where you want the binaries installed:

To compile Julius: 

$./configure --with-mictype=alsa --enable-setup=standard --prefix=~/bin/julius-4.3.1

(Note: ~/bin/julius-4.3.1 points to /home/yourusername/bin/julius-4.3.1)

This directs the make command to put all your binaries in the following folder:

  •  /home/yourusername/bin/julius-4.3.1/bin

To compile 32-bit Julius on a 64-bit computer: 

you will need the .686 version of alsa-lib as root:

# yum install alsa-lib-devel.i686

then add a flag before you run the Julius configure to tell your gcc compiler to compile 32-bit binaries:

$ CFLAGS=-m32  ./configure --with-mictype=alsa --enable-setup=standard --prefix=~/bin/julius-4.3.1 --host=i686-generic-linux-gnu



To build the libraries and binaries, execute the following:

$make all

Running the following command will install them: 

$make install

Step 3 Update your User Path

To update your user path, you need to add the '$HOME/bin/julius-4.3.1/bin' path to your path variable.  To do this, edit your '.bash_profile' file in your home directory (in Fedora you need to show 'hidden files' in Nautilus - so you can display file names with a period in front of them) and add a colon (":") and this path to the end of the PATH variable (leaving the rest of it unchanged):

# User specific environment and startup programs

Log out and log back in to make your path change effective.

Re: How to compile Julius/Julian from source
User: Fernando
Date: 3/24/2014 4:15 pm
Views: 360
Rating: 13

How to do it in windows?

I didn't get. It not working and I don't  know what is wrong.

Best Regards!

Re: How to compile Julius/Julian from source
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/27/2014 7:41 pm
Views: 465
Rating: 13

>How to do it in windows?

use Cygwin, or

Microsoft Visual C++

Windows: how to compile Julius from source using Cygwin
User: kmaclean
Date: 6/11/2015 1:52 pm
Views: 2519
Rating: 2

Installing Cygwin on Windows

Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows.  It contains the Bash Shell scripting language and the Perl scripting language.  Both are required to run the HTK Acoustic Model build scripts. 

Step 1 - Download Cygwin

  1. Go to;
  2. Download the latest version of the cygwin setup application (click the 'Install Cygwin now' button on the top right-hand side of the web page).
Note: that this is not the full Cygwin application.  It is just the setup application that lets your download Cygwin from the Internet;

Step 2- Install Cygwin

  • Double-click the Cygwin setup application;
  • Follow the steps in the setup wizard:

Select install from the Internet:

Select Your Internet Connection - 'Direct Connection' should work OK;

Use the default local package directory:

On the Choose Installation Directory Window:

  • install your root directory to c:\cygwin (don't install to your Windows 'Program Files' directory ... Cywin has problems with spaces in directory or file names);
  • select install for 'All users';
  • select 'Unix/binary' Default Test File Type;

Choose a Download Site;

When the Select Packages window appears:

  1. click Perl,
  2. then select the following packages that are under Perl (click on the word 'skip' on the same line as the package to toggle it to 'keep' - which means to download this particular package):
    • perl: Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and Report Language
    • perl_manpages: Perl manpages


Next, while still in the Cygwin Select Packages window:

  1. click Devel, then select the following packages:
    • flex - fast lexical analyzer generato
    • gcc-core - C compiler
    • make - GNU version of make utility
  2. click Libs, then select:
    • zlib - the zlib compression and decompression library
  3. click Utils, then select:
    • diffutils - A GNU collection of diff utilities
    • dos2unix - Line break conversion

Click the 'Next' button and wait as the files download to your PC - this may take a while.

Step 3 - testing your Cygwin install

  1. Click Start>All Programs>Cygwin>Cygwin Bash Shell;
  2. At the command prompts, type perl -v; you should see version information for the Perl scripting language.

Step 4 -Compile from Source as you would in Linux

see top post.

Re: How to compile Julius/Julian from source
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/8/2015 1:00 pm
Views: 202
Rating: 3