
to recognize a sentence
User: madu
Date: 7/10/2009 4:28 am
Views: 1947
Rating: 1

How to recognize a sentence,when we give the voice sentence into the mic.

i followed all the steps correctly,But it is not recognized the given sentences.I it is recognized another words (meaningless sentence).

i am trying to convert a normal simple english sentence into the text.So i followed these steps.Is it correct or wrong ?. and if it is wrong ,then what am i trying to follow ? Please give me that correct steps too....

plz help me....

thank you. 

Re: to recognize a sentence
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/13/2009 11:07 am
Views: 209
Rating: 1

Hi Madu,

>i am trying to convert a normal simple english sentence into the text.So i followed these steps.

Are you using the VoxForge tutorial?  What is in your grammar files (.grammar & .voca files)?

