
Trying th HTKDemo
User: ossia
Date: 6/7/2011 8:53 am
Views: 7233
Rating: 17

Hello guys,

I have tried to run the demo to test the HTK by VoxFroge under Cygwin but when I run the follwoign command:

$ cd HTKDemo

$ ./runDemo configs/monplainM1S3

I get the following error message:

"must be in directory HTKDemo to run this script"

It is odd as when I run it, i am already in the directory HTKDemo!

Any idea what might be wrong?

The installation went totally fine and I did test it by running both "HVite" and "julian". even the gui interface appears by running "HSlab a_name.sig"

I appreciate your help

Re: Trying th HTKDemo
User: kmaclean
Date: 6/7/2011 11:08 am
Views: 129
Rating: 17

>$ ./runDemo configs/monplainM1S3

line 82 of runDemo expects you to be in a directory with the name 'HTKDemo' in its path:

($ENV{PWD} =~ /HTKDemo$/) || die "Must be in directory HTKDemo to run this script\n";

What do you get when you do a 'pwd' command in cygwin?



Re: Trying th HTKDemo
User: ossia
Date: 7/4/2011 6:34 pm
Views: 111
Rating: 15

Thanks I have already resolved the issue

Trying th HTKDemo
User: leoswaroop87
Date: 9/12/2011 2:23 am
Views: 358
Rating: 15

all is well upto the  installation of  HTk 'n' julian

when i would like to run this command in HTKDemo directory

./runDemo configs/monoPlainM1S3

i got this error can i rectify this error....

Can't open configs/monoPlainM1S3: No such file or directory at ./runDemo line 381.
Cannot find proto config file /proto_s_m_c.pcf

Re: Trying th HTKDemo
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/26/2011 7:38 pm
Views: 103
Rating: 14

>Can't open configs/monoPlainM1S3: No such file or directory at ./runDemo line 381.

As the message indicates... do you have the monoPlainM1S3 folder in a configs folder below where you are running the runDemo script?

Re: Trying th HTKDemo
User: manishankar
Date: 1/5/2015 5:05 am
Views: 40
Rating: 3

"Must be in directory HTKDemo to run this script"

how u solved that issue..?

Re: Trying th HTKDemo
User: ez3
Date: 7/9/2015 11:47 am
Views: 44
Rating: 2

Could you explain how you solved this please? I am encountering the same problem

Re: Trying th HTKDemo
User: God
Date: 1/20/2016 2:08 am
Views: 7
Rating: 2

I had this same problem, after reading the HTKDemo readme file, found that it was due to using the command for the Windows install on Linux.



$ cd HTKDemo

$ perl configs\monPlainM1S1.dcf

^--- is the command for Windows and gives your error when you try on Linux.


Try using:

$ cd HTKDemo
$ ./runDemo configs/monPlainM1S1.dcf

Re: Trying th HTKDemo
Date: 5/21/2016 4:40 am
Views: 13
Rating: 0


I also got the message:

Writing HMMSet

Writing HMMDef to proto/S
Writing HMMDef to proto/C
Writing HMMDef to proto/V
Writing HMMDef to proto/N
Writing HMMDef to proto/L
Can't open hmms/hmm.0

After running

./runDemo configs/monPlainM1S1.dcf

Try to help me

Re: Trying th HTKDemo
User: danilomol
Date: 1/6/2020 5:06 pm
Views: 3
Rating: 0

I have the same error. You could solve it?
