
Odd makefile error in HTK 3.4.1
User: colbec
Date: 5/26/2011 1:13 pm
Views: 2854
Rating: 17

My 'make all' (OpenSUSE 11.4) stopped with an error about spaces and tabs in a Makefile.

It was line 77 in HLMTools/Makefile - I edited this file to replace a bunch of spaces with a tab at the beginning of that line and now it works. I think you have to do this each time you do a configure since Makefile is autogenerated each time.

gcc 4.5 works no problem on this version of HTK.

Re: Odd makefile error in HTK 3.4.1
User: kmaclean
Date: 6/7/2011 11:29 am
Views: 127
Rating: 14

thanks for the info.
