
HLEd word dose not exist problem
User: ripul_88
Date: 7/5/2012 5:46 am
Views: 3499
Rating: 22



$ HLEd -A -D -T 1 -l '*' -d dict -i phones0.mlf mkphones0.led words.mlf

C:\cygwin\HTK\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HLEd.exe -A -D -T 1 -l * -d dict -i pho    nes0.mlf mkphones0.led words.mlf


No HTK Configuration Parameters Set


Editing file: sample1.lab

   38 adds; 12 deletes; 0 replaces; 0 changes; 0 merges

Editing file: sample2.lab

   38 adds; 12 deletes; 0 replaces; 0 changes; 0 merges

Editing file: sample3.lab

   38 adds; 12 deletes; 0 replaces; 0 changes; 0 merges

Editing file: sample4.lab

   33 adds; 11 deletes; 0 replaces; 0 changes; 0 merges

Editing file: sample5.lab

   43 adds; 13 deletes; 0 replaces; 0 changes; 0 merges

Editing file: sample6.lab

   22 adds; 6 deletes; 0 replaces; 0 changes; 0 merges

Editing file: sample7.lab

   28 adds; 8 deletes; 0 replaces; 0 changes; 0 merges

Editing file: sample8.lab

   28 adds; 8 deletes; 0 replaces; 0 changes; 0 merges

Editing file: sample9.lab

   21 adds; 5 deletes; 0 replaces; 0 changes; 0 merges

Editing file: sample10.lab

   33 adds; 5 deletes; 0 replaces; 0 changes; 0 merges

Editing file: sample11.lab

   30 adds; 5 deletes; 0 replaces; 0 changes; 0 merges

Editing file: sample12.lab

   34 adds; 6 deletes; 0 replaces; 0 changes; 0 merges

Editing file: sample13.lab

   36 adds; 6 deletes; 0 replaces; 0 changes; 0 merges

Editing file: sample14.lab

  ERROR [+1232]  NumParts: Cannot find word ABDOMINALS in dictionary

FATAL ERROR - Terminating program C:\cygwin\HTK\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HLEd    .exe



Please help me. I am in need and I have to finish it as soon as possible.


Re: HLEd word dose not exist problem
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/9/2012 2:07 pm
Views: 205
Rating: 20

>ERROR [+1232]  NumParts: Cannot find word ABDOMINALS in dictionary

hate to ask the obvious here, but is the word "ABDOMINALS" in you dict file?
