Audacity Audio Submissions

Phoneme Coverage Prompts - 16
User: CUE6998_2014_16
Date: 10/3/2014 2:54 pm
Views: 2948
Rating: 2

Speaker Characteristics:


Gender: female;

Age range: adult;

Language: EN; (EN=English;NL=Dutch;DE=German;RU=Russian)

Pronunciation dialect: General American English.


Recording Information (don't worry if you can't find some of this information):


Microphone make: n/a;

Microphone type: headset mic;

Audio card make: unknown;

Audio card type: unknown

Audio Recording Software: Audacity rel 2.0.6];

O/S: OS X.


File Info: 


File type: WAV;

Sampling rate: 48kHz;

Sample rate format: 16bit;

Number of channels: 1;

Audio Processing: n (we prefer, but *do not require*, unprocessed audio)

If yes, please describe: [noise filtering|equalization|audio level normalization|...]
