
GPL & application code?
User: softtalk
Date: 10/8/2009 12:02 pm
Views: 11908
Rating: 18

How does the GPL license for voice data affect the owner's obligations with respect to application source code that uses the voices? In general, GPL licensed code "infects" any code that links to it. If my code requires voxforge voices or voices that are derived from voxforge voices to run, do I have to open source my application code as well as voices?

Re: GPL & application code?
User: kmaclean
Date: 10/8/2009 12:34 pm
Views: 385
Rating: 17

Hi softtalk,

>How does the GPL license for voice data affect the owner's obligations

>with respect to application source code that uses the voices?

If you *distribute* them together, then yes you must provide the user with your application source code. 

See this post: GPL on audio files for more info.


P.S. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice

Re: GPL & application code?
User: softtalk
Date: 10/8/2009 1:45 pm
Views: 382
Rating: 20

That's what I thought, thanks. Definitely not an option for my organization.
