Speaker Characteristics:
Gender: male;
Age range: adult;
Pronunciation dialect: General American English.
Recording Information:
Microphone make: Sennheiser PC 131;
Microphone type: noise canceling headset;
Audio card make: Andrea USB adapter;
Audio card type: USB;
Audio Recording Software: Audacity 1.2.6;
O/S: Windows XP Professional.
File Info:
File type: FLAC;
Sampling rate: 48kHz;
Sample rate format: 16bit;
Number of channels: 1;
Audio Processing: no
en36-01 So why did you leave her?
en36-02 You know what I mean.
en36-03 She helped me out a lot.
en36-04 Not everybody is supposed to be.
en36-05 This is not for personal gain.
en36-06 I will call you tomorrow.
en36-07 I'm sorry to interrupt.
en36-08 Things have changed.
en36-09 You don't think he is good enough for her.
en36-10 That is where he was traveling.
en36-11 He has been in some trouble.
en36-12 I hope you don't take this the wrong way?
en36-13 You are the best thing that ever happened to me.
en36-14 She is going through a hard time.
en36-15 She knows what she is doing.
en36-16 They will find them.
en36-17 Did you catch them?
en36-18 I don't want to have to do this.
en36-19 They have no choice.
en36-20 This is what they want.
en36-21 This is the legal system.
en36-22 This must be understood and minimized.
en36-23 How do you know he wasn't hiding something like this?
en36-24 Do you want to talk?
en36-25 The second parameter is of primary concern.
en36-26 How is that possible?
en36-27 This is her lipstick.
en36-28 Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?
en36-29 There is no way.
en36-30 I didn't mean to scare you.
en36-31 That was exactly the word that she was going to use.
en36-32 I wanted you to know just in case.
en36-33 Who is setting you up?
en36-34 They made quite an impression.
en36-35 You know how to reach me.
en36-36 One of the employees might have stolen it.
en36-37 Was anybody else there?
en36-38 I will pick you up at seven.
en36-39 You are the only one that I can trust.
en36-40 It is nice to see you again.
en36-41 A grammar is a file containing sets of words.
en36-42 It is containing the probabilities of sequences of words.
en36-43 They require a language model.
en36-44 You have to be quiet.
en36-45 I can always bring her back.
en36-46 This is what I can see.
en36-47 I will be back as soon as I can.
en36-48 I think I can protect the future.
en36-49 Is she the only one having second thoughts?
en36-50 What are we supposed to do?
en36-51 I hate to bother you.
en36-52 She is only seeing the future.
en36-53 She is very powerful.
en36-54 The world has changed.
en36-55 There are no coincidences.
en36-56 I am not going to give you tips.
en36-57 It is a long story.
en36-58 I can't believe this.
en36-59 This isn't my stuff.
en36-60 You have to look at this.
en36-61 This is what they can do.
en36-62 I will throw this away.
en36-63 But you better have a good reason.
en36-64 What are we going to do?
en36-65 We started without him.
en36-66 You have a nice office.
en36-67 You can't be too careful.
en36-68 This is our commanding officer.
en36-69 I have got an important meeting this afternoon.
en36-70 I need to talk to you about those things.
en36-71 What did he say?
en36-72 This is my turn.
en36-73 We have to do something.
en36-74 What more do we have?
en36-75 You are going to listen to me.
en36-76 This is just the same crap.
en36-77 He saw her at the park at night.
en36-78 How did you find this place?
en36-79 It can be downloaded from the official website.
en36-80 Do you know where she is?
en36-81 Why are you doing this to me?
en36-82 I have never seen it before.
en36-83 We have never met.
en36-84 Can you give me a ride?
en36-85 Don't push it.
en36-86 This is getting ridiculous.
en36-87 Are you OK?
en36-88 Somebody always does.
en36-89 You must be punished.
en36-90 We are saving them.
en36-91 We have to go now.
en36-92 She doesn't think so.
en36-93 I don't think so.
en36-94 I need your help.
en36-95 He will always look for the easy way out.
en36-96 I knew nothing about it.
en36-97 I am not going anywhere.
en36-98 You know this isn't fair.
en36-99 But things have changed.
Copyright (C) 2007 Ralf Herzog
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
--- (Edited on 12/11/2007 1:06 am [GMT-0600] by ralfherzog) ---